Profiel ASL

Application entrance test Zuyd Hogeschool
International Business

We kindly request you to complete and send this registration form first. You can then contact us by telephone (046-4583775) to schedule the test.
As soon as possible after this, you will receive an invitation by e-mail informing you of the date and duration of the investigation. Some attachments will also be sent with information about the test, the address with map, the costs of the test and some introductory questions.

The sent invitation is proof of participation. We would like to point out that the number of places in the test group is limited.

Have you registered and are you still unable to attend? Please cancel at least 7 days before the test day, otherwise we will charge 25 euros for administration!

What is your native language? *

Have you previously participated in a 21+ entrance test at Profiel ASL?

On what date did you participate in a 21+ entrance test at Profiel ASL?
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Does one of the points below apply?

Surname and initials: *

Last name:

First name: *

Gender: *

Date of birth: *

Street: *

House number: *

Postal code: *

City: *

Country: *

Mobile phone: * Your landline or mobile phone number is mandatory

Phone number: Your landline or mobile phone number is mandatory

E-mail address: *

When do you want to start the study? *

Where do you want to take the test? * For the online test we will charge additional costs, and there will be online surveillance

Are there special circumstances / specific points for attention?

On what date is the test scheduled? *

You work on your own laptop on the test day. Do you have your own laptop? *

In the box below, check 'I am not a robot': *

Artikelcode: 2511

Profiel ASL

Ons team

Wij bestaan uit een gevarieerd team waarbij ieder zijn eigen specialisme heeft en nauw met elkaar samenwerkt. Met plezier en enthousiasme zetten wij ons graag in voor een leven lang ontwikkelen. 

Kennis met ons maken? Klik dan hier!

  • Register Privacyconvenant Onderwijs
  • Nederlands Instituut van Psychologen
  • Biond
  • Centraal Register Kort Beroepsonderwijs
  • Register Loopbaanprofessional